Nichita Stanescu - Season's end
I was so very aware
that the afternoon was dying in the domes,
and all around me sounds froze,
turned to winding pillars.
I was so very aware
that the undulant drift of scents
was collapsing into darkness,
and it seemed I had never tasted
the cold.
I awoke so far away
and strange,
wandering behind my face
as though I had hidden my feelings
in the sensless relief of the moon.
I was so very aware
I did not recognize you, and perhaps
you come, always,
every hour, every second,
moving through my vigil - then -
as through the spectre of a triumphal arch.
Etichete: *** english translation Nichita Stanescu
6 comentarii:
Evocative, loved the feel of this poem.
Sunt traducerile tale? Mă uimeşti şi mă încântă faptul că se întâmplă aşa ceva...Succes! :-)))
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